Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
23 November 2016 
Blog Post #5

Formal Outline

Childhood Poverty
Thesis: The United States is known to be one of the most powerful nations, yet millions of Americas live below the poverty line. The number of children living in poverty is increasing daily. A big majority of these children have single parents who have low income jobs or are unemployed. Childhood poverty undermines America’s future as it eats away at our foundation.
1st paragraph:
  • Introduction
  • Poverty statistics
  • Effects in America
2nd paragraph
  • Definition of poverty 
3rd paragraph
  • Income statistics
  • Children included in these ttats

4th paragraph
  • Childhood poverty categories
  • Effect in children

5th paragraph
  • More effects
  • Education
  • Physical
  6th paragraph
  • How to end poverty
  • Entitlements
  • Easier parent access to work
  • Elaboration
7th paragraph
  • Summary 
  • Conclusion
I commented on Kaylin and Cameron's blogs


  1. Your thesis/ intro is really good. I think this is going to be a great essay!

  2. This essay is going to tug at some heart strings. Will you be discussing ways to deal with those who are in poverty situations until it is eliminated?

  3. You have a good set up! This is really going to be an emotional essay. I think your strength throughout this will be the emotional pull and one way you could make it even stronger is to add a part describing some personal situations. Like something about how you may see these people every day, but just ignore them. After all, a lot of children probably still go to school, if nothing else it is a warm safe place to stay so we even interact with them on a daily basis.

  4. Love your line up for the intro! This is going to be a great paper for sure. I like how you are ending with ideas to help and fix the problem too. Good job!

  5. Just by looking at your thesis I could tell that you are very passionate about this topic. You seem to have everything extremely organized and planned out for when you type up your essay, this is going to be a very emotional and amazing essay.

  6. This will be an interesting paper, Emma. It's often something we don't like to discuss as a society at all, but definitely something that affects every day life whether it be socialization, academics, etc.
