Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Blog Post #4 

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
9 September 2016
                                   Presidential Candidates 2016  

One of the most talked about topics is the current presidential election. This election has been one of the most interesting elections in recent history. The reason why I chose these two topics to compare and contrast is because there is so much information about these two people. They have many similar, yet very different characteristics about them. The purpose of my essay is to break down the two topics and explain the similarities and the dissimilar facts of each. This essay should be very interesting!

I commented on Hannah and Kaylin's posts.


  1. I like that your diagram is simple and informative. It gets the point across and isn't to detailed.

  2. This will be interesting, considering the election is over. Are you still willing to write about this? I think you still have substance to go on, either way.

  3. I like how your venn diagram isn't full of opinions and instead is full of facts. I can sense that your essay is going to be informative instead of biased.

  4. I agree with you, this is a very interesting topic. Your diagram does such a great job of showing the similarities between the two. It make me think of how often I heard people say they didn't like either but were voting for the lesser of two evils.

  5. I like how you have added points fairly to each side of diagram without favoring either side. It seems like this paper will be very interesting.
