Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blog Post #3: Summary and Choice of Analysis 

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
20 October 2016
Fish Cheeks
In the article “Fish Cheeks”, by Amy Tan, the author depicts a Chinese American girl who is at odds with her culture. The girl tries desperately to assimilate into basic white American life and her family and their deeply rooted Chinese culture will not allow for it. As the girl is battling her family’s way of life, the girl’s mother teaches her a very valuable lesson. This lesson is we are who we are and it is better to except who we are and where we come from because it is never going away.
Superman and Me
In the article “Superman and Me”, by Sherman Alexie, he talks about his own life and where his love for literature began. The author states that his father had an intense love for reading and because of that, Alexie grew to love literature as well. As a child, he started reading superman comic book and teaching himself how to read. This action sparked a fire in his desire for more knowledge.  The author discusses cultural serotypes, particularly the Indian culture. Alexie grew up and became a successful writer in spite of the limited education he received in his youth.
My Choice
The article I chose for the summary and analysis essay is “Superman and Me”, by Sherman Alexie. The reason I chose this article is because he writes in great detail about a series of events that shaped his life. “Fish Cheeks”, only discusses one isolated event. Having more information in the article “Superman and Me”, makes it easier to identify with the author vs. a small amount of information given in “Fish Cheeks”.

Works Cited
Tan, Amy. “Fish Cheeks.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 110-111. Print.

Alexie, Sherman. “Superman and Me.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 582-585. Print.

I commented on kaylin and shelby's posts.


  1. Hi Emma! I really like your post. One of the things I like about it is your word choice. Even though it is just an assignment for English, words like "assimilated" and at odds with" certainly make for a more interesting read! Good job!

  2. Hey Emma, I really like how short and sweet your summaries were. You did a nice job getting straight to the point.

  3. Emma,
    your summaries are beautiful! You did such a good job of using your wording and not plagiarizing. Your reasoning is nearly identical to what I said for my choice, it'll just be a lot simpler to write the essay with the information from Superman and Me.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your summaries. I love the detail you used because it was very relevant. And I agree about analyzing 'Superman and Me'...I feel like the message is stronger than that in 'Fish Cheeks".

  5. Great summaries! I also like Alexie's building of background in this one, isolated essay. He does a great job of captivating his reader to the best of his ability, which is his soul purpose. Looking forward to reading your essay!
