Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
23 November 2016 
Blog Post #5

Formal Outline

Childhood Poverty
Thesis: The United States is known to be one of the most powerful nations, yet millions of Americas live below the poverty line. The number of children living in poverty is increasing daily. A big majority of these children have single parents who have low income jobs or are unemployed. Childhood poverty undermines America’s future as it eats away at our foundation.
1st paragraph:
  • Introduction
  • Poverty statistics
  • Effects in America
2nd paragraph
  • Definition of poverty 
3rd paragraph
  • Income statistics
  • Children included in these ttats

4th paragraph
  • Childhood poverty categories
  • Effect in children

5th paragraph
  • More effects
  • Education
  • Physical
  6th paragraph
  • How to end poverty
  • Entitlements
  • Easier parent access to work
  • Elaboration
7th paragraph
  • Summary 
  • Conclusion
I commented on Kaylin and Cameron's blogs

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Blog Post #4 

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
9 September 2016
                                   Presidential Candidates 2016  

One of the most talked about topics is the current presidential election. This election has been one of the most interesting elections in recent history. The reason why I chose these two topics to compare and contrast is because there is so much information about these two people. They have many similar, yet very different characteristics about them. The purpose of my essay is to break down the two topics and explain the similarities and the dissimilar facts of each. This essay should be very interesting!

I commented on Hannah and Kaylin's posts.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blog Post #3: Summary and Choice of Analysis 

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
20 October 2016
Fish Cheeks
In the article “Fish Cheeks”, by Amy Tan, the author depicts a Chinese American girl who is at odds with her culture. The girl tries desperately to assimilate into basic white American life and her family and their deeply rooted Chinese culture will not allow for it. As the girl is battling her family’s way of life, the girl’s mother teaches her a very valuable lesson. This lesson is we are who we are and it is better to except who we are and where we come from because it is never going away.
Superman and Me
In the article “Superman and Me”, by Sherman Alexie, he talks about his own life and where his love for literature began. The author states that his father had an intense love for reading and because of that, Alexie grew to love literature as well. As a child, he started reading superman comic book and teaching himself how to read. This action sparked a fire in his desire for more knowledge.  The author discusses cultural serotypes, particularly the Indian culture. Alexie grew up and became a successful writer in spite of the limited education he received in his youth.
My Choice
The article I chose for the summary and analysis essay is “Superman and Me”, by Sherman Alexie. The reason I chose this article is because he writes in great detail about a series of events that shaped his life. “Fish Cheeks”, only discusses one isolated event. Having more information in the article “Superman and Me”, makes it easier to identify with the author vs. a small amount of information given in “Fish Cheeks”.

Works Cited
Tan, Amy. “Fish Cheeks.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 110-111. Print.

Alexie, Sherman. “Superman and Me.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 582-585. Print.

I commented on kaylin and shelby's posts.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blog Post #2

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
6 October 2016
As I step off the plane, I feel the humidity take over like a wet sticky film. The air is thick with it and my skin immediately starts to plump like a marshmallow. I walk off the tarmac and into a moderately cooler environment, but the humidity is no less intense. When I reach for my passport I realize that if I do not hurry, I will be run over by the rushing tourists with their little-used flip flops and disposable cameras. This experience has not changed much from the original encounter, even after fourteen trips. Change is not something that this place is known for. This place manages to hold on to the old timeless ways of life. Only occasionally, does the twentieth century rear its head to randomly appear, usually when I least expect it. As I walk away from the inner chaos and swirl of bodies, I recognize the familiar smells of a third world city welcoming me home. The mild smells of sewer and fuel are overpowered by the tantalizing, basic smells of skewered meat spiced with tarragon and chili. The smell of citrus fruit is everywhere with a hint of cucumber and lime. Usually, it takes me less than five minutes to find a fruit stand offering my favorite treat. There is nothing in this world as delicious as a sweet ripe, dripping mango on a stick drenched in lime juice. The mango becomes a cushion between me and the roaring engines and the honking horns and the traffic whistles. This juicy bliss will carry me away from the airport, down the highway and through the jungle to paradise.
I commented on Eve and Shelby's blogs 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"Why We Lie" Blog Post #1

Emma Anderson
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
28 September 2016

The Article “Why We Lie,” by Dan Ariely, is about multiple experiments that were conducted to delve into the big question of why people lie and what pushes them to cheat.  Dan Ariely’s tasks are called the “Matrix tasks”. These experiments were mainly focused on college student, some who knew they were being tested and some who did not. These experiments consisted of 20 different matrices that each person had to solve within 5 minutes. The students were payed for every matrix solved. They were given an opportunity to cheat because they corrected their own answers. Everyone has the option to be dishonest or cheat.  It depends soley on wether or not a person feels the need to take that risk to cheat.  This article explores why people cheat and how our “small” dishonest tricks have a bigger impact on ourselves and culture than we realize.

Paragraph #10:
The theory that the majority of people cheat, even just by a small amount, leads us to belief that it just might be acceptable to be dishonest.  The question is; what drives us to cheat a little or a lot?

“Everybody does it”, refers to the fact that the author believes most people justify their cheating or lying off of the wide spread thought that everyone cheats. People should never base their actions on what everyone else does. People should base what they do on whether they feel their action is right or wrong. The nature of cheating can become viral, and mesh into the way one thinks and acts. If cheating and lying go unchecked, a person’s morality becomes skewed and cheating becomes the norm (Ariely 443).

Ariely, Dan. “Why We Lie.” The Bedford Reader 12th (2014): 440-46. Print.

I commented on Makayla and Porchia's blogs.